Crazy Hard Robots follows the stories of crazy smart people and the ‘crazy hard’ problems they face in building the technology of the future. Join IAM Robotics CTO and founder, Tom Galluzzo, as he chats with the scientists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and other technologists shaping the field of robotics.
Tom is the Founder and CTO of IAM Robotics. He has over 15 years of experience in autonomous robotics. Previously, Tom worked with Carnegie Mellon University, Harris Corporation, the Air Force Research Laboratory, Boeing and other organizations. During his career, Tom developed autonomous systems for air, land and sea. He built robots to compete in major competitions including the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition and the DARPA Grand Challenge. Several of Tom’s robots have won in the areas of navigation, autonomy and design. Tom also co-founded OpenJAUS, a technology company that develops software for the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS). OpenJAUS is the market leader in providing JAUS solutions to the defense industry. Tom holds a PhD in Robotics from the University of Florida and a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics.